SSWHL Schedule

Jan to April 2020

Click here to see first half with results

*indicates forfeit win

5-JanNobles Dedham9:45 AMChaos  Storm  Chaos (3-0)
5-JanNobles Dedham10:55 AMShamrocksMass ChaosMass Chaos (3-2)
5-JanNESC 66:50 PMPumasGoal DiggersPumas (1-0)
5-JanNESC 68:00 PMNighthawks BlueTBANighthawks Blue (3-0)
5-JanWestborough C2:50 PMDemolition DivasMass HysteriaMass Hysteria (2-1)
5-JanWestborough C4:00 PMRocketsStormchasers DStormchasers D (6-1)
5-JanWestborough C5:10 PMIce Sharks ANighthawks ANighthawks A (6-1)
5-JanWestborough C6:20 PMBreakersTailgaters 2Breakers (7-1)
5-JanWestborough C7:30 PMRandolphRavensRavens (2-0)
5-JanBedford Lower6:40 PMCougarsStormchasers CStormchasers C (6-1)
5-JanBedford Lower7:50 PMPiratesECW C Pirates (6-5)
5-JanBedford Lower9:00 PMTailgaters 1StingTailgaters 1 (4-1)
5-JanBedford Upper7:30 PMECW BHappy CowsHappy Cows (4-2)
5-JanBedford Upper8:40 PMHell's BellesECW C/DTIE (1-1)
5-JanCanton Ice House6:15 PMEaglesBlack IceEagles (3-2)
5-JanCanton Ice House7:25 PMZoo CrewStorm 2Zoo Crew (4-1)
5-JanCanton Ice House8:35 PMPhantomsRI RaptorsPhantoms (6-5)
5-JanMilton4:00 PMUnicorns 2.0RenegadesTIE (7-7)
5-JanMilton5:10 PMBoston BeautiesBearsBoston Beauties (4-3)
5-JanMilton6:20 PMT SquaredBulldogsBulldogs (5-1)
5-Jan----CrushBye week
5-Jan----Ice Sharks CBye week
5-Jan----IcestronautsBye week
5-Jan----Nighthawks RedBye week
5-Jan----Nor'eastersBye week
5-Jan----OutlawsBye week
5-Jan----QuincyBye week
5-Jan----RI Raptors Bye week
12-JanNobles Dedham9:45 AMECW C/DPumasECW C/D (3-0)
12-JanNobles Dedham10:55 AMRenegadesBoston BeautiesTIE (5-5)
12-JanNESC 66:00 PMTailgaters 1Chaos  Tailgaters 1 (4-2)
12-JanNESC 67:10 PMT SquaredStormchasers DTIE (0-0)
12-JanWestborough C2:50 PMUnicorns 2.0Nighthawks ANighthawks A (7-3)
12-JanWestborough C4:00 PMIce Sharks CNighthawks BlueNighthawks Blue (6-4)
12-JanWestborough C5:10 PMRavensNor'eastersRavens (6-2)
12-JanWestborough C6:20 PMBulldogsTailgaters 2Bulldogs (4-1)
12-JanWestborough C7:30 PMRocketsMass HysteriaMass Hysteria (5-0)
12-JanBedford Lower6:40 PMStingCougarsCougars (3-1)
12-JanBedford Lower7:50 PMHappy CowsShamrocksHappy Cows (6-1)
12-JanBedford Lower9:00 PMOutlawsEaglesEagles (4-1)
12-JanBedford Upper7:30 PMECW C TBAECW (4-2)
12-JanBedford Upper8:40 PMHell's BellesNighthawks RedTIE (1-1)
12-JanCanton Ice House5:05 PMStorm 2Ice Sharks AStorm 2 (2-1)
12-JanCanton Ice House6:15 PMQuincyIcestronautsIcestronauts (7-1)
12-JanCanton Ice House7:25 PMRI PanthersPiratesPirates (4-1)
12-JanCanton Ice House8:35 PMCrushStorm  TIE (2-2)
12-JanMilton4:00 PMBearsZoo CrewBears (5-0)
12-JanMilton5:10 PMGoal DiggersBreakersBreakers (3-0)
12-JanMilton6:20 PMRI RaptorsRandolphRandolph (3-2)
12-JanMilton7:30 PMMass ChaosStormchasers CStormchasers C (3-1)
12-Jan----Black IceBye week
12-Jan----Demolition DivasBye week
12-Jan----ECW BBye week
12-Jan----PhantomsBye week
19-JanNobles Dedham9:45 AMNighthawks ABoston BeautiesTIE (5-5)
19-JanNobles Dedham10:55 AMZoo CrewUnicorns 2.0Unicorns 2.0 (3-1)
19-JanWestborough C2:50 PMBulldogsOutlawsBulldogs (6-1)
19-JanWestborough C4:00 PMNighthawks BlueTailgaters 1Nighthawks Blue (3-2)
19-JanWestborough C5:10 PMStorm  RavensRavens (6-3)
19-JanWestborough C6:20 PMBreakersNighthawks RedTIE (1-1)
19-JanWestborough C7:30 PMGoal DiggersHell's BellesHell's Belles (2-0)
19-JanBedford Lower6:40 PMChaos  PhantomsChaos (3-2)
19-JanBedford Lower7:50 PMIcestronautsECW BECW B (4-1)
19-JanBedford Lower9:00 PMCrushECW C ECW C (4-2)
19-JanBedford Upper7:30 PMEaglesRocketsEagles (5-1)
19-JanBedford Upper8:40 PMDemolition DivasT SquaredTIE (1-1)
19-JanCanton Ice House5:05 PMECW C/DRI PanthersECW C/D (3-1)
19-JanCanton Ice House6:15 PMMass HysteriaBlack IceBlack Ice (2-1)
19-JanCanton Ice House7:25 PMNor'eastersRandolphRandolph (2-1)
19-JanCanton Ice House8:35 PMStorm 2RenegadesStorm 2 (8-4)
19-JanMilton4:00 PMQuincyMass ChaosTIE (1-1)
19-JanMilton5:10 PMTailgaters 2PumasPumas (5-0)
19-JanMilton6:20 PMRI RaptorsIce Sharks CIce Sharks (5-0)
19-JanMilton7:30 PMBearsIce Sharks ABears (3-0)
19-Jan----CougarsBye week
19-Jan----Happy CowsBye week
19-Jan----PiratesBye week
19-Jan----ShamrocksBye week
19-Jan----StingBye week
19-Jan----Stormchasers CBye week
19-Jan----Stormchasers DBye week
19-Jan----TBABye week
26-JanNobles Dedham9:45 AMEaglesBulldogsEagles (5-0)
26-JanNobles Dedham10:55 AMIce Sharks CStorm  Storm (4-3)
26-JanNESC 66:00 PMStormchasers DOutlawsStormchasers D (2-0)
26-JanNESC 67:10 PMBlack IceT SquaredTIE (3-3)
26-JanWestborough C2:50 PMNighthawks RedGoal DiggersNighthawks Red (6-2)
26-JanWestborough C4:00 PMNighthawks AZoo CrewZoo Crew (4-3)
26-JanWestborough C5:10 PMBoston BeautiesStorm 2Boston Beauties (5-3)
26-JanWestborough C6:20 PMStormchasers CNighthawks BlueStormchasers C (7-1)
26-JanWestborough C7:30 PMTailgaters 1RI RaptorsNo gamesheet
26-JanBedford Lower6:40 PMTBAPhantomsTIE (1-1)
26-JanBedford Lower7:50 PMRenegadesBearsBears (5-0)
26-JanBedford Lower9:00 PMRavensECW C/DECW C/D (6-1)
26-JanBedford Upper7:30 PMECW C StingECW C (1-0)
26-JanBedford Upper8:40 PMRocketsDemolition DivasDemolition Divas (4-2)
26-JanCanton Ice House5:05 PMRI PanthersBreakersBreakers (5-0)
26-JanCanton Ice House6:15 PMPumasHell's BellesHell's Belles (2-1)
26-JanCanton Ice House7:25 PMIcestronautsShamrocksIcestronauts (7-3)
26-JanCanton Ice House8:35 PMNor'eastersPiratesNor'easters (5-4)
26-JanMilton4:00 PMRandolphCrushRandolph (2-1)
26-JanMilton5:10 PMCougarsHappy CowsCougars (4-0)
26-JanMilton6:20 PMECW BQuincyECW B (4-2)
26-JanMilton7:30 PMIce Sharks AUnicorns 2.0No gamesheet
26-Jan----Chaos  Bye week
26-Jan----Mass ChaosBye week
26-Jan----Mass HysteriaBye week
26-Jan----Tailgaters 2Bye week
2-FebNobles Dedham9:45 AMRenegadesZoo CrewRenegades (6-4)
2-FebNobles Dedham10:55 AMDemolition DivasBlack IceBlack Ice (2-1)
2-Feb----BearsBye week
2-Feb----Boston BeautiesBye week
2-Feb----Storm 2Bye week
2-Feb----Nighthawks ABye week
2-Feb----Ice Sharks ABye week
2-Feb----Unicorns 2.0Bye week
2-Feb----ECW BBye week
2-Feb----IcestronautsBye week
2-Feb----CougarsBye week
2-Feb----Mass ChaosBye week
2-Feb----Happy CowsBye week
2-Feb----ShamrocksBye week
2-Feb----QuincyBye week
2-Feb----Stormchasers CBye week
2-Feb----PhantomsBye week
2-Feb----Tailgaters 1Bye week
2-Feb----StingBye week
2-Feb----TBABye week
2-Feb----Nighthawks BlueBye week
2-Feb----ChaosBye week
2-Feb----ECW CBye week
2-Feb----RI Raptors Bye week
2-Feb----Ice Sharks CBye week
2-Feb----CrushBye week
2-Feb----RavensBye week
2-Feb----RandolphBye week
2-Feb----StormBye week
2-Feb----PiratesBye week
2-Feb----Nor'eastersBye week
2-Feb----Tailgaters 2Bye week
2-Feb----ECW C/DBye week
2-Feb----RI PanthersBye week
2-Feb----Nighthawks RedBye week
2-Feb----BreakersBye week
2-Feb----Hell's BellesBye week
2-Feb----PumasBye week
2-Feb----Goal DiggersBye week
2-Feb----EaglesBye week
2-Feb----BulldogsBye week
2-Feb----T SquaredBye week
2-Feb----OutlawsBye week
2-Feb----Stormchasers DBye week
2-Feb----Mass HysteriaBye week
2-Feb----RocketsBye week
9-FebNobles Dedham9:45 AMStorm  PiratesStorm (4-0)
9-FebNobles Dedham10:55 AMZoo CrewBoston BeautiesBoston Beauties (11-1)
9-FebNESC 66:00 PMGoal DiggersRI PanthersRI Panthers (4-1)
9-FebNESC 67:10 PMChaos  Nighthawks BlueNighthawks Blue (4-0)
9-FebWestborough C2:50 PMMass HysteriaEaglesEagles (5-0)
9-FebWestborough C4:00 PMOutlawsDemolition DivasDemolition Divas (1-0)
9-FebWestborough C5:10 PMBulldogsStormchasers DBulldogs (6-1)
9-FebWestborough C6:20 PMStorm 2Nighthawks AStorm 2 (2-1)
9-FebWestborough C7:30 PMRavensRI RaptorsTIE (0-0)
9-FebBedford Lower6:40 PMUnicorns 2.0BearsBears (6-1)
9-FebBedford Lower7:50 PMStingStormchasers CStormchasers C (6-0)
9-FebBedford Lower9:00 PMCougarsTailgaters 1Cougars (2-1)
9-FebBedford Upper7:30 PMECW C/DTailgaters 2ECW C/D (3-0)
9-FebBedford Upper8:40 PMPhantomsECW C ECW C (4-2)
9-FebCanton Ice House5:05 PMShamrocksQuincyShamrocks (1-0)
9-FebCanton Ice House6:15 PMIce Sharks CNor'eastersIce Sharks C (2-0)
9-FebCanton Ice House7:25 PMRenegadesIce Sharks ARenegades (5-3)
9-FebCanton Ice House8:35 PMBlack IceRocketsTIE (2-2)
9-FebMilton4:00 PMHell's BellesBreakersHell's Belles (1-0)
9-FebMilton5:10 PMTBARandolphNo gamesheet
9-FebMilton6:20 PMHappy CowsIcestronautsIcestronauts (5-3)
9-FebMilton7:30 PMMass ChaosECW BNo gamesheet
9-Feb----Nighthawks RedBye week
9-Feb----PumasBye week
9-Feb----CrushBye week
9-Feb----T SquaredBye week
16-FebNobles Dedham9:45 AMNighthawks AIce Sharks AIce Sharks A (4-1)
16-FebNobles Dedham10:55 AMBoston BeautiesUnicorns 2.0Boston Beauties (6-4)
16-FebWestborough C2:50 PMMass ChaosHappy CowsMass Chaos (7-6)
16-FebWestborough C4:00 PMTailgaters 2Hell's BellesHell's Belles (7-0)
16-FebWestborough C5:10 PMDemolition DivasStormchasers DDemolition Divas (3-2)
16-FebWestborough C6:20 PMT SquaredMass HysteriaNo gamesheet
16-FebWestborough C7:30 PMQuincyStormchasers CStormchasers C (4-2)
16-FebBedford Lower6:40 PMPhantomsTailgaters 1Tailgaters 1 (3-2)
16-FebBedford Lower7:50 PMECW BShamrocksTIE (1-1)
16-FebBedford Lower9:00 PMZoo CrewStorm 2Storm 2 (7-0)
16-FebBedford Upper7:30 PMECW C Chaos  Chaos (3-2)
16-FebBedford Upper8:40 PMNighthawks RedECW C/DTIE (1-1)
16-FebCanton Ice House5:05 PMNor'eastersCrushNor'easters (3-1)
16-FebCanton Ice House6:15 PMTBAIce Sharks CIce Sharks C (5-1)
16-FebCanton Ice House7:25 PMCougarsIcestronautsIcestronauts (1-0)*
16-FebCanton Ice House8:35 PMGoal DiggersBreakersBreakers (2-1)
16-Feb----BearsBye week
16-Feb----RenegadesBye week
16-Feb----Nighthawks BlueBye week
16-Feb----StingBye week
16-Feb----RI RaptorsBye week
16-Feb----PiratesBye week
16-Feb----RandolphBye week
16-Feb----RavensBye week
16-Feb----Storm  Bye week
16-Feb----PumasBye week
16-Feb----RI PanthersBye week
16-Feb----Black IceBye week
16-Feb----BulldogsBye week
16-Feb----EaglesBye week
16-Feb----OutlawsBye week
16-Feb----RocketsBye week
23-FebNobles Dedham9:45 AMBreakersPumasBreakers (4-0)
23-FebNobles Dedham10:55 AMDemolition DivasBulldogsTIE (2-2)
23-FebNESC 66:00 PMMass HysteriaOutlawsMass Hysteria (3-1)
23-FebNESC 67:10 PMStingNighthawks BlueNighthawks Blue (3-2)
23-FebWestborough C2:50 PMECW C/DGoal DiggersECW C/D (3-0)
23-FebWestborough C4:00 PMUnicorns 2.0Storm 2No gamesheet
23-FebWestborough C5:10 PMBearsNighthawks ANighthawks A (3-2)
23-FebWestborough C6:20 PMMass ChaosIcestronautsIcestronauts (2-1)
23-FebWestborough C7:30 PMStormchasers CRI RaptorsStormchasers C (4-2)
23-FebBedford Lower6:40 PMNighthawks RedRavensRavens (4-0)
23-FebBedford Lower7:50 PMECW BCougarsECW B (3-0)
23-FebBedford Lower9:00 PMStorm  TBAStorm (4-0)
23-FebBedford Upper7:30 PMHell's BellesEaglesHell's Belles (3-0)
23-FebBedford Upper8:40 PMT SquaredRocketsT Squared (5-1)
23-FebCanton Ice House5:05 PMHappy CowsQuincyHappy Cows (6-4)
23-FebCanton Ice House6:15 PMChaos  Nor'eastersChaos (3-0)
23-FebCanton Ice House7:25 PMRandolphIce Sharks CIce Sharks C (2-1)
23-FebCanton Ice House8:35 PMPiratesCrushCrush (9-3)
23-FebMilton4:00 PMStormchasers DBlack IceBlack Ice (1-0)
23-FebMilton5:10 PMTailgaters 2RI PanthersRI Panthers (7-2)
23-FebMilton6:20 PMIce Sharks AZoo CrewIce Sharks A (5-1)
23-FebMilton7:30 PMBoston BeautiesRenegadesBoston Beauties (4-2)
23-Feb----ShamrocksBye week
23-Feb----PhantomsBye week
23-Feb----Tailgaters 1Bye week
23-Feb----ECW C Bye week
1-MarNobles Dedham9:45 AMShamrocksMass ChaosNo gamesheet
1-MarNobles Dedham10:55 AMBreakersECW C/DNo gamesheet
1-MarNESC 66:00 PMStingChaos  Sting (5-4)
1-MarNESC 67:10 PMECW C Nighthawks BlueTIE (3-3)
1-MarWestborough C2:50 PMNighthawks ARenegadesRenegades (9-4)
1-MarWestborough C4:00 PMPhantomsCougarsCougars (6-2)
1-MarWestborough C5:10 PMCrushRavensRavens (4-3)
1-MarWestborough C6:20 PMRocketsOutlawsOutlaws (6-0)
1-MarWestborough C7:30 PMStormchasers DMass HysteriaMass Hysteria (1-0)
1-MarBedford Lower6:40 PMStorm 2BearsBears (4-3)
1-MarBedford Lower7:50 PMIcestronautsECW BIcestronauts (5-0)
1-MarBedford Lower9:00 PMNighthawks RedTailgaters 2Nighthawks Red (4-0)
1-MarBedford Upper7:30 PMEaglesT SquaredEagles (4-0)
1-MarBedford Upper8:40 PMStormchasers CTailgaters 1Stormchasers C (5-2)
1-MarCanton Ice House5:05 PMBlack IceBulldogsNo gamesheet
1-MarCanton Ice House6:15 PMZoo CrewUnicorns 2.0No gamesheet
1-MarCanton Ice House7:25 PMRandolphStorm  No gamesheet
1-MarCanton Ice House8:35 PMRI RaptorsNor'eastersNo gamesheet
1-MarMilton4:00 PMGoal DiggersPumasPumas (4-1)
1-MarMilton5:10 PMHell's BellesRI PanthersRI Panthers (3-1)
1-MarMilton6:20 PMTBAPiratesTBA (5-2)
1-MarMilton7:30 PMIce Sharks ABoston BeautiesBoston Beauties (2-1)
1-Mar----Happy CowsBye week
1-Mar----QuincyBye week
1-Mar----Ice Sharks CBye week
1-Mar----Demolition DivasBye week
8-MarNobles Dedham9:45 AMA Division quarterfinalGame number and teams TBDRenegades (2-1)
8-MarNobles Dedham10:55 AMA Division quarterfinalGame number and teams TBDUnicorns 2.0 (6-4)
8-MarNESC 66:00 PMRI PanthersNighthawks RedNighthawks Red (6-2)
8-MarNESC 67:10 PMStormchasers DT SquaredStormchasers D (4-1)
8-MarWestborough C3:00 PMBlack IceOutlawsBlack Ice (1-0)
8-MarWestborough C4:10 PMQuincyIcestronautsNo gamesheet
8-MarWestborough C5:20 PMPumasHell's BellesHell's Belles (5-0)
8-MarWestborough C6:30 PMNor'eastersECW C ECW C (7-2)
8-MarWestborough C7:40 PMRI RaptorsNighthawks BlueNighthawks Blue (5-2)
8-MarBedford Lower6:40 PMTailgaters 1TBATailgaters 1 (6-2)
8-MarBedford Lower7:50 PMStormchasers CShamrocksStormchasers C (5-3)
8-MarBedford Lower9:00 PMECW BHappy Cows
8-MarBedford Upper7:30 PMEaglesDemolition DivasEagles (2-1)
8-MarBedford Upper8:40 PMStingPhantomsSting (6-3)
8-MarCanton Ice House5:05 PMA Division quarterfinalGame number and teams TBDBears (4-2)
8-MarCanton Ice House6:15 PMA Division quarterfinalGame number and teams TBDStorm 2 (2-1)
8-MarCanton Ice House7:25 PMCrushStorm  Crush (3-0)
8-MarCanton Ice House8:35 PMMass HysteriaRocketsNo gamesheet
8-MarMilton4:00 PMPiratesChaos  Chaos (5-1)
8-MarMilton5:10 PMMass ChaosCougarsCougars (1-0)
8-MarMilton6:20 PMBreakersTailgaters 2Breakers (5-2)
8-MarMilton7:30 PMRavensIce Sharks CNo gamesheet
8-Mar----RandolphBye week
8-Mar----ECW C/DBye week
8-Mar----Goal DiggersBye week
8-Mar----BulldogsBye week